Computational Cognitive Models
- jIAM: Run the Interactive
Activation (IA) model and the Bilingual Interactive Activation
(BIA) model in a web browser
Utilities for stimulus selection, analysing and designing experiments
- PseudoRandom List Generator.
- Pseudo: A pseudoword generator.
- strngram: R package to obtain trigrams, bigrams, bigram frequency, anagrams from strings.
- strsim: R package with string similarity functions relevant for psycholinguistic research, e.g. neighborhood density, neighborhood frequency, OLD20.
Speech to Text (speech transcription and subtitles)
- Speech2Text: simple graphical user interface for different automatic speech recognition systems and services (e.g. Whisper).
Other tools
- Auto-Alt-Text: Automatically create Alt Text for images and other objects in Powerpoint presentations using Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLM) or Visual-Language (VL) pre-trained models.
- Add-UsersToTeamsFromCSVFile: Adding students to teams and private channels within teams using CSV file.
Teaching: Examples of Experimental Tasks
Online examples that show at the end of the task a graph with mean reaction times for the critical conditions.